Author: Ei

Now it’s time! A tremendous December 2020

The waves of the Lunar Eclipse December has begun with a strong flow that accompanied the lunar eclipse on the last day of November. Our Helpers told us that the energy of the lunar eclipse was very much directed towards the physical body working on and opening up the energy channels. This might result in positive but also momentarily unpleasant consequences for the body. When the energy channels open the body might react with pain and ailments. If you continue to take care of yourself those symptoms will pass with time. Now is a good time to do deep stretching,

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Message from the Masters of Light and Love

Message to all of us that ponder over world events and apprehensively follow the ever-growing and confusing supply of “spiritual” trends that increase the chaos… Message from the Masters of Light and Love from the high-up Holy frequencies in Earth’s realm Thank you, thank you, thank you. This blog post comes straight from the Helpers of Light that have been placed to supervise and support the development and agreed direction of humanity. They are Masters that have the path of enlightenment behind them and there are also those that have never existed in a bodily form. Their only frequency is Love

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New Moon in Libra

For all of you that have been suffering through challenges during the latest two weeks, I can joyously announce that the new Moon will bring with it new energy and new, more spacious conditions. The oppressive energy of the full Moon seasoned with the energy of Mars might indeed have been a difficult time for many. That is to say hidden unpleasant emotions and past experiences were trying to get to the surface fast and manifested as unpleasant emotional experiences, crying and fears. Old behavioral models in which one either defends oneself or becomes the victim were present in many

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Highpoints of autumn

This serving comes from the last day of our “vacation trip”. We have been traveling around Åland Islands, middle and southern Finland for well over a week in an RV. Exploring many bruk areas (early industrial society areas), manor houses, and a little bit for a new home. We don’t have a specific direction or point in time yet for the next place. There are visions but they are not set. It’s not the easiest for a community as big as this to move but the Helpers are definitely doing their job and preparing for the transition as best they

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The fragrances and winds of summer

This summer has been very different from the previous summers that were filled with travel. It has contained work like before but in a different way than in a long time. I spent the beginning of spring in Vaasa, giving hospice care to my mother and after my return from there, I went almost directly to the island. Luxia Island has been an empowering place to unravel the feelings from spring, the thoughts on seeing my mother off, this time on the island has also been heavenly for the body. The island is amazing. All the elements are present there,

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Friday 3.7.2020 – Eija On Sunday 5th July, there will the last eclipse of this period. The lunar eclipse will happen in the sign of Capricorn at 7.44 am (Finnish time which is +3 hours UTC) and carries the energy of strong wisdom. It will partly continue the themes of this year but with its own colors. It is finishing with the old and starting new. “I look on life with joy and wisdom and thereby increase gratitude, which will carry me over the challenges.“ This is a mantra given by the Helpers for this time. These last weeks have

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Monday 1.6.2020 Once again this is one of those updates that comes better late than… I haven’t written the blog for a long time as I have been on a personal and unique journey in Vaasa, my home town. An out of the ordinary journey of five weeks together with my dear mother and a few other close ones. Now those intensive, good, and even challenging weeks are behind me. I have been left with tremendous, once in a lifetime experiences, that will surely leave a permanent mark in my soul and my understanding. I have gotten to witness how

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Time to create Holiness – now!

The cycle of planet earth has once again reached a point when it’s just the best time to join together to create a new, better future for all living beings. The Cosmic support is now active and therefore I ask people to turn towards that Divine Light, the power of creation. There is a beautiful dance of stars and planets in progress in the sky that will culminate on 3.4. when Venus will cuddle up in the arms of the Pleiades’ sisters and reach the zone of Cosmic Light. We can see this beautiful sight also with our own eyes

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Spring Equinox under the shadow of the coronavirus

Friday 13.3.2020 – Eija We are approaching the spring equinox under peculiar energies, under winds that are sweeping over the globe. Suddenly we find ourselves in a situation where we have a global problem, a common direction of how to solve it and also the sorrow that joins us together across the borders. People have asked me many, many times about the spiritual message of the coronavirus and I have to admit that in the beginning, I did not take these questions so seriously because we have seen this before. But at the beginning of this week, I began to

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New Year 2020

Tuesday 31.12.2019 – Eija The theme of this year is, in my opinion, very beautiful and finally, at long last, calmer than the themes of previous years. We are slowly descending to the new year through the lunar eclipse that falls on January 10. The eclipse will be in the sign of Gemini and it is a so-called penumbral eclipse. A lunar eclipse happens always during a full moon and also this time one can expect a powerful energetic event. The eclipse starts after 19.00 in the evening and will reach its deepest point at 21.10 o’clock. It will end

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