Tag: lunar eclipse 2024

September is an opportunity!

Tuesday 17.9.2024 at 20.27 – Eija I unhappily have to say that I am also quite late with this issue. Indeed, the end of the summer after our trip to Europe has been one of returning to the body day after another. The physical “collapse” and the subsequent symptoms and exploration of them have taken up much of my attention. The work is still in progress, but I can see now that the roots go back to the period of illness a year ago. Last autumn, influenza, etc., and their after-effects left traces that I had not previously stopped to

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The importance of the eclipse season

I wrote earlier about the upcoming eclipses and, above all, I talked about the importance of maintaining all that is high and beautiful, especially in the moments of eclipses. Of course, it is important during this period too, to remember what we are aiming at, what is most precious in me, that I want to maintain and cherish in my life. Is it my purse, my car, or my profession, or is it the innermost, most sacred part of us all, the image of God that can be reflected on Earth through us. What I didn’t write about is the

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Upcoming months and opportunities

Those of you, who have followed my blog in previous years may have already been waiting for an outlook for the New Year. And here it finally is, on its way. In recent years, it has been more challenging to take “down” the outlook and I’ve had to wait for the right moment. Part of the reason lies with me because it has been difficult to put into words the information I have received, but also because I see great variations in how the energy will eventually descend here to the children of Mother Earth. I have been given pictures

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