Category: Blog – English

Winter and Light at last

Saturday 14.12.2024 by Eija Kuukari Whiteness, light and lovely sparkle! At last, we are at the point where winter should be. In the last few days, the sky has given us plenty of beautiful, condensed information in the form of snow. Because it is said that the water on our planet stores the existing information that has been created in the collective field. So what can we think, conclude and perhaps benefit from this, and what kind of information is it? Creating with thought and feeling is an old and familiar thing to many seekers. Still, I often wonder what

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September is an opportunity!

Tuesday 17.9.2024 at 20.27 – Eija I unhappily have to say that I am also quite late with this issue. Indeed, the end of the summer after our trip to Europe has been one of returning to the body day after another. The physical “collapse” and the subsequent symptoms and exploration of them have taken up much of my attention. The work is still in progress, but I can see now that the roots go back to the period of illness a year ago. Last autumn, influenza, etc., and their after-effects left traces that I had not previously stopped to

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Austria, the landscape of our hearts

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 Austria 14-17.6.2024 Half dead, after maybe three hours of sleep, we left Mikulov for Austria. For some reason, neither of us slept much. The reason might have been that some wine parties around the hotel were celebrated in several nearby pubs and hotels. When we left in the morning, we were given two bottles of organic wine as a present, whose destiny we wondered about, but ultimately, we left them at our next accommodation as a present. Let the “good” go around. In a way, It was a relief to get across the border, buy a

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Czech Republic June 13th, 2024

Tuesday 25.6.2024 After the last heavy work in Poland, we started driving towards the Czech border, which we crossed as if without noticing. We finally got to stay in our van for the night, as we found a camper van site quite easily in the small village of Stramberk, about 50km from the border. It was lovely to settle in relatively early and have a short stroll before bedtime. The campsite was next to a small wooden church, but the church looked unused, and the door was locked, so we didn’t get to have our evening meditation there, although we

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Last camp in Poland

Thursday 20th June, 2024 It was quite a night in Skawina, as the wake-up call came in the middle of the night as an air raid. It lasted some time, and then the sirens of emergency vehicles rang around us. Then all went quiet, and certainly nothing followed in our hotel from that night’s alarm. It occurred to me how shocking and traumatic it must be to be woken up day, week, and month after the other by such alarms. In the morning, we checked the news to see if there was any explanation for the happening, but all we

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In the Polish camps

Monday June 17th, 2024 There is plenty of work in the Polish camps On June 10th our main destination was the Majdanek camp in Lublin, which was largely still there with its barracks, gas chambers, and even the crematorium was still there. It was a cloudy day, but still humid and hot and it would take us a few hours to get around the whole place in the heavy air. We walked around the site again as if in a protected space, so no images or emotions of the past reached me. Still, tears flowed as I read the texts

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The First Leg in Poland

Tuesday June 11th, 2024 The morning in Poland dawned for us in a small, cozy guest house in the town of Elk. A hearty breakfast was a nice change and with that, we headed towards Bialystok passing by the local church. The name had already been given to us at home when we were planning the route of the journey. The plan was to go to the churches to leave flyers and possibly talk to someone who would be there. But when we arrived in town, we found that all the churches in the town center were packed to the

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Lithuania Travelogue

Tuesday June 11th, 2024 Lithuania June 7th-8th, 2024 We arrived in Lithuania in the evening and started our adventure there towards the camping area where we had reserved a place for the car. On our way, it started raining, and to accompany it there were roadworks ahead of us, which Google provided a good way around. As we knew that the reception of the accommodation closed at 22:00, we happily headed for the detour so that we would at least arrive in time. The detour started narrow but paved, but after five kilometers it turned into a dirt road, that

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Experiences from Latvia

Posted on June 9th, 2024 Today marks the fifth day of our trip and we are now in Poland. I’ve been meaning to blog more often, but our days have stretched so long that I’ve just fallen asleep as soon as the car has arrived at our destination for the evening. Today I’ll tell you how our trip went after Estonia. After finishing our work in Tartu, we entered Latvia by driving through Vöru in Estonia. We arrived deep in the neighboring country late in the evening to spend the night. In Latvia, we stayed at a free travel park

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Message of Peace to the World

@CreatingPeaceForHumanity A few weeks ago, we were asked to extend the cleansing work of places and areas. We had just returned home from a tour to cleanse the Eastern border of Finland from one end to the other of all the energy residue that had been generated everywhere on Finnish soil during the war, but also before and after it. It was not an easy journey, because so much pain, horror, and great sorrow of souls had been gathered in Maiden of Finland through those who had suffered in the war. We did our best and drove across the entire

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