Month: June 2022

Message from mountains

Our retreat on Montserrat Mountain is coming to an end. Three beautiful and rewarding weeks are almost over and the return to the Finnish summer is coming. There were various purposes for our retreat and they really became true well. The writing work has flowed well, the same goes for the tens of kilometers of hikes we planned. In addition to the concrete level, the retreats always have a spiritual goal and the Helpers have always also given their surprise. So was it this time, too. Montserrat Mountain is a very special place, just because of the formation of the

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The longest day of summer

Summer has its longest day on June 21, 2022, at 12.13 pm Finnish time (9.13 UTC). The midnight sun is a familiar event for all Finns and has traditionally been celebrated during Midsummer celebrations. This year, Midsummer does not fall on the same weekend as the summer solstice, which perhaps makes the general energies lighter. The summer solstice was once considered a sacred celebration when the connection with Mother Earth was strongly in focus. In many old cultures in Europe, the theme of the celebration was new life and fertility. Then women, femininity, and the ability to create new were

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