Luxia-Method™ I & II Courses
Luxia-Method™ Course I

A basic course for broadening your perception of humanity and how to work on your own vibration.
During the weekend you will be given plenty of information on what it means to be human at this time and why working on oneself in this time is the most important key towards change.
The focal idea is to take responsibility of your own vibration, cleansing and raising it, so that you could have the possibility to connect to your Highest Self.
We will also tell you about the development of Mother Earth, different vibrational levels and how to recognize them and the origins of different consciousnesses. All participants will also be given personal guidance taking into account the origin of the consciousness. There is a joint guided meditation and healing every day.
We will also do exercises to develop your sensitivity, for example looking at auras and activating clairvoyance and knowledge.
There is a possibility to buy the book – Largími y raj I, II – the Divine Truth about the Light, together with the cards related to the cleansing work. With the help of those you can continue this important work in your daily life also after the course.
Luxia-Method™ Course II
The second course is a really intensive course towards self-knowledge, recognizing your own soul/vibration and making those changes that are needed to raise your vibration.
During the weekend we will go through the human energy field, chakras and the responding energy bodies together with themes, feelings and programmings related to them.
Participants will get things to ponder over and tasks related to each chakra. In addition, there will be joint exercises and meditations.
The aim of also this course is that each participant by working responsibly on their own vibration could connect to his/her Highest Self and through that get all the guidance and knowledge himself/herself. At the same time this could bring about the longed for change in the collective vibration of humanity.