Winter and Light at last
Saturday 14.12.2024 by Eija Kuukari
Whiteness, light and lovely sparkle! At last, we are at the point where winter should be. In the last few days, the sky has given us plenty of beautiful, condensed information in the form of snow. Because it is said that the water on our planet stores the existing information that has been created in the collective field. So what can we think, conclude and perhaps benefit from this, and what kind of information is it?
Creating with thought and feeling is an old and familiar thing to many seekers. Still, I often wonder what we eventually understand about it and how we might use it to make our world benefit from that great opportunity to create. On average, bringing out positive ideas and positivity has been around for decades and is probably a very important part of the change we seek collectively. Many of us have been involved in rituals where water has been blessed, associated with the thought of love and even messages of goodwill. We have also studied water and observed how its structure changes with the vibration of music, for example. One kind of music breaks the beautiful crystal structure of water, another kind of music heals the structure and causes it to change into sacred shapes.
So what about snow? What is the spiritual meaning of snow, or what should it be for those of us blessed to experience and see it every year. How could we receive this dazzling light that surrounds us at this time of year with holiness and gratitude and do our part so that its blessing may spread in springtime in abundance all over the Earth? I see a wonderful opportunity, a wonderful image, where we together create a message in the snow that contains the spreading of Light (from the North).
I sometimes hear people say that no one understands me or my ideas. My reflections are too… something… I see something in everything that may not be there… I have had decades to ponder this, too. What is my part in this big picture? Why do I feel that I have something to say that wants to be shared and expressed so that my existence here on the concrete level is fulfilled? When I write, I hear the words as a beautiful melody within me. I hear the flow where words travel towards my hands and this machine that brings them out. The machine belongs to this time, and its blessing is that through it, the words come to life quickly and reach many in a few minutes.
I feel that my role is to put into words the flow that I am watching and listening to within myself. A flow that travels to the Earth with the tunes of our galaxy. For somewhere, there is the source of the melodies that are not related to time or form, nor earthly events or hopes and thoughts. Yet, we are part of that eternal flow. We are in that flow every moment, each one of us. Hearing it is part of opening spiritually, and that is my job.
Even now, the words I am receiving are meant for this world of form, where each of us is developing, becoming our holy selves. Some life, some form, gets hold of what its true Self is. In this time where we live on this plane, there are so many souls in physical form, in bodies, who are waiting and seeking to attain their true Self, for it is written in each one’s plan. Our galaxy’s tunes are part of the great plan, and their function is to bring us awakening and the tune that makes us remember our true Self. And through that, our mission. My awakening happened powerfully a few times. I woke up to new levels; I woke up to listening and recognizing.
In the 90s, the flow brought one big awakening and many small awakenings that made me remember my origins, my own star structure. The cosmic flows of the early 2000s brought my only physical teacher, whom I followed for five years. It was then that the flows expanded my ability to see, think, and understand human beings and their significance in this entirety in a whole new way and on a whole new level. That time also opened my mental energies to where there are no words but only knowledge. That level is not something we could put into words in general, for it is the connection of my Self to where my home is. This connection needs to be maintained, and I often get reminders that “packages” are waiting to be picked up.
I have been nursing myself into better physical shape for about six months now. The collapse after our trip through Europe brought me back to things to work on. Most important at this point has been my relationship with my soul’s place of residence. I have now taken a deep look at my lessons, and my new direction is beginning to take shape. It is a direction in which I will even more fully implement the path I have been given for this life according to the higher guidance. I have also been instructed to seriously follow the cosmic flow more closely and bring it down to Earth. That is one part of my plan, but there is much more to how I have been instructed these last few months. But everything given aims to benefit the entirety through my earthly being. It does not, by any means, exclude the body, and certainly not how I stay healthy and well in it and carry joy.
That teacher of mine told me a long time ago that I had chosen an unusual path to this life because I would go down the heavenly stairs all the way to the physical level and then ascend back up. This was a metaphor that I immediately understood because, almost always unconsciously, all my life, I have been unable to understand human beings and life in its earthly form. I have been a troublemaker, a strong hater of the whole world and of what I have never understood; what is the point of all this? For we are going in the wrong direction!!! I have been a proud, defiant critic and a withdrawn accuser of myself. One of my big questions has always been how to get along in this physical world and in connection with other people. Ten years of community life have taught me so much, and I could not have learned all of it living any other way. I have learned about people, their feelings, behavior, the unconscious contradictions between energy levels and words, etc. But most of all, I have learned about myself, how I operate and how I influence others. Acceptance, even of the darkness, has been the beginning of all healing.
At this point in my development, I can say that I have found even greater peace with who I am. The need to be with others, to be the same, and to be accepted reared its head strongly after five years of living the community life. That need, that desire, was very painful for me, in many ways, as a result of the life that I had lived so alone. I wanted to belong somewhere, among people, finally. But no, it does not work that way for one’s personal wishes to come true, especially since I’ve always prayed that God’s will would be done so that I would develop and make those necessary changes accordingly in the concrete world. Now, I have been standing on the lowest steps for almost two years, and I have finally taken my first steps toward the point where I was born into this life. And I feel that I am finally excited about myself again, about my own direction.
Snow. The thought with which I started this blog. Here, surrounded by snow, could we not unite in spirit, in ether, and consciously pour our beautiful, grateful, joy-filled thoughts into the snow so that once it turns to water, it can carry the message of hope to where it will land again in time. Could we not stand amid the snowbanks together and thank God, that creative Source, that through our bodies we may serve and bring comfort, confidence, joy and hope to Earth? Each in our own way, with our own words that we get to receive from the flow. What if we would do it every day, every time we walk in the snow, opening our palm chakras and doing conscious work through them: focused on our hearts, palms open downwards, and grateful words for the benefit of the entirety as a thought that flows from our hands into the snow. What an easy and wonderful task!
At some point, perhaps, we will all notice that as we walk through the town, we humans are united by open palms and open hearts when goodwill has spread and grown. This, too, is a sign to us that a powerful change for the benefit of all global humanity has strengthened here in the North, in the Land of White Light.
The same theme of the water’s message is now emerging for the winter solstice. In Finland, that moment will be on 21.12. (33 master number) at 11:20 am (9:20 UTC) and with the theme of the beginning of a new episode. Many special astrological events have led up to this year-end solstice. They all support the start of a new era, higher thoughts, and looking higher than the concrete level. And yet uniting in love of one’s neighbor on the concrete level. It requires us to believe! First of all, in ourselves and each other, but also in the great plan that is moving on, despite what is happening on the surface of the Earth.
My great hope is that this time, we will also unite physically and make a joint snow service for the benefit of all humanity. You are welcome to join us in Suonenjoki for this event in the spirit of Christmas. You can stay at our guesthouse or the home of one of our members. We offer Christmas porridge and tea/coffee to all participants. You can sign up with me by message, email or phone.
Together, for the good of humanity, our intentions will be blessed a thousandfold. May the message of Light grow worldwide through the message set in the snow. And may it grow immensely stronger as the northern days lengthen towards the summer solstice.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.