September is an opportunity!
Tuesday 17.9.2024 at 20.27 – Eija
I unhappily have to say that I am also quite late with this issue. Indeed, the end of the summer after our trip to Europe has been one of returning to the body day after another. The physical “collapse” and the subsequent symptoms and exploration of them have taken up much of my attention. The work is still in progress, but I can see now that the roots go back to the period of illness a year ago. Last autumn, influenza, etc., and their after-effects left traces that I had not previously stopped to listen to. Now, it has been the time & a must to stop by it. The issues related to the future of our community have also been intense, demanding my attention and resources almost every day, but that’s where things have now turned into an easy flow. Still, I feel bad that my travel blog was left completely unfinished. I will certainly return to it, but I cannot say when. I will do my best with my body and my blog.
But! This week’s lunar eclipse has been knocking on my consciousness already for a few weeks, bringing its energies and, above all, its possibilities to the fore in a visible and wonderful way. Thank you! For now, the best time of this year is finally turning up, if that is how we want to receive it. It is the time of the opening of the knots that brings forth, after the ambiguities and uncertainties, the clarity that illuminates the path clearly. The struggle that has been experienced on many fronts in this karmic year will also turn into freedom and a new beginning. If we do not stay dwelling on the past, we will experience an ever greater spiritual spaciousness. At last. Of course, before that, all those dishonest, false and delusional elements in our lives will defiantly come to the fore to be accepted and healed with truth and light. So, it may be that a little bit of drama can be offered, but honesty and truthfulness are the only keys to working through it. The old story is no longer bought, nor is the lie that someone still wants to hide behind.
The Lunar Eclipse’s h-hour in the delicate sign of Pisces will be in Finland on September 18th, 2024, at 5.44 (UTC 2.44 am). Receiving that moment with openness, honesty and sensitivity will bring a much-needed new beginning and clarity to our lives instead of the foggy knots. This energy of a new beginning will continue to grow stronger and will be consolidated on September 22nd at the Autumnal Equinox when it is also good to be present and co-create strong heart energy. In Finland, that moment will be on September 22nd at 15.43 (UTC 12.43 pm).
The themes of the Autumnal Equinox are also lovely. The heart center, creating from the heart consciousness, is now the higher direction of humanity that we are beginning to strengthen and bring into the world. That happens when we can increasingly live from love, no matter what kind of faces the concrete world around us may show. When we remember our sacred hearts and strive for love and good neighborliness, we will slowly tap into the creative power of life that we carry as a gift.
For some souls, this period brings the opportunity to recreate themselves through updating themselves. Gratitude for life is the key to this. And, of course, a clear decision to move towards the new stronger and with staying in your heart.
These currents of this time will yet take us to an annular Solar Eclipse on October 2nd, and it will again be seen elsewhere than here in the North. Yet we can connect to that event too by being spiritually attentive. The eclipse is between 18:00 and 24:00, and the deepest moment is around 21:45 Finnish time (18.45 UTC).
The most important and wonderful theme of this Eclipse is the importance of meeting other people through a motherly, gentle, and loving presence. This annual eclipse clearly continues the new and loving theme mentioned above. Heart consciousness and staying still in it can truly change one’s life and relationships with others and the world around us.
The tools that come through the mental plane are still needed, but the transformative power of a pure heart brought by the great Master Jesus is now greatly enhanced by these events. Already on our trip to Europe, this power was shown to me, and a little connection with the energy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus opened my own heart in a way I had never experienced before. There is no need to try to explain it; what is important is that we believe it is possible. By connecting with the longing of our own hearts to this energy of love, we can slowly begin to experience the change on the spirit level that is now connecting souls around the world. Forgiveness and staying in the heart will then, in time, also bring concrete results to the world we now live in on a physical level.
Much of my own physical pain is related to this theme. Our physical bodies need to be tuned into this energy, which can indeed create sensations in our physical hearts as well, not to mention that it will move us towards a truer encounter and listening to ourselves.
This period brings souls together in a wonderful way that we have not seen or experienced for a long time. Regrouping through heart energy and taking on new tasks in the spirit of healing humanity. That is what we can expect to happen on a whole new level. What joy there is in this thought and the power of the plan. By being open, honest and responsive, we will meet the souls we may have already been waiting for so that our own development may continue and our spiritual work by joining together may be strengthened. For the good of the entirety. Towards that with strength and trust. Amen<3